Monday 15 October 2007

the flea market

Yesterday's walk to the flea market was a great success for me! I found a couple of items, that are too enchanting, over all an adorable black wool-vest with flower embroideries (my friend hated it but I think it's gorgeous!). I've been looking for a cardigan like that for quite some time by now, but a vest is just as fine for me. I will probably change the buttons though, I sort of find them too pink ;)

I also bought a lovely off-white dress - very cute and romantic - a horrible scarf and a shirt with rosy prints. I close it with a butterfly brooch because it's got a deep v-neck which I don't like. The green corduroy bag I found is great but I plan to customize it so I'll post that one later... all that stuff only cost me 11 Euros!

These shoes!

Due to being incredibly busy I didn't get to post anything during the last couple of days, unfortunately. There were several jobs I couldn't postpone, but for now I got some free time to enjoy the golden October weather, which is unexpectedly frosty but sunny though. So: yesterday was fleemarket-day, finally again! I went there very early with a friend of mine, wearing my new beloved autumn-style shoes, which I simply love - aren't they the cutest thing to wear in this time of the year?