Sunday 21 October 2007

the flea market 2

The days are getting colder, so much colder... I'm already wearing my winter boots and coat and ask myself what to wear in winter, as I'm already freezing under five layers of clothes! But what the heck - it's still bearable, so what could be better than spending the last enjoyable fall mornings strolling through the local flea market, again? Right, I couldn't think of anything so at 9 o'clock I took my way south. I caught a few impressions from there, although most sellers are rather unhappy having their place's pictures taken...

And this is what I returned home with (not much but the little I bought is great!): a dangerous underwear petticoat skirt, which makes me so happy, as I was looking for one like that for a very long time. I love skirts but most of those I own don't have a slip skirt beneath. Now I got one for all of them! Plus a simple but lovely black skirt with folky decorations. Classy but down-to-earth.

This black velvet ethno bag I got for free because the front decorum has to be fixed... lucky me! It's a huge bag with a lot of space; I only got one big black bag and I definitely needed a second choice, so this is a lucky discovery for me! And the brooch is not that bad either...

Another supergreat discovery: a black digital portable cassette-player! This is my one retro obsession: I love cassettes and I love my cassette player. I got dozens and dozens of self-made cassettes which have to last another 80 years, at least! No iPod in my life (not yet) ;) Well, but my player is broken at the moment, and I don't have enough money to have it repaired. It cost 100 Euros and the one I found today is quite the same but cost only 2!!! And it works! My, what a difference a day makes! Happy Sunday, everybody! =)


Matroskin said...

Thank you for your comment. You have a great blog, so many lovely pictures!

Tara Diane said...

oh, I actually really like that velvet bag :)