Wednesday 3 October 2007

boots again!

I love Autumn! Well, it's got its grey sides, it brings rain and unfriendly bunches of clouds are putting this veil on everything, that makes you want to spend the whole day inside. Which is great too! Who doesn't love long, dark evenings with hot chocolate, candles, warm woven socks and a good movie on TV?! The second thing: boots! You can try hard but actually it's no fun to wear boots in summer! So pulling my beloved boots out of the closet after months of negligence is the most lovely welcome-back I can imagine! Today I wear them with a simple curduroy skirt and my fluffy fake-fur-coat I introduced lately...

coat: tokyo
boots: gino ventori
skirt: h&m
tights: canda
bag: unknown

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! I like brown color boots....I'd be great if i get the same model boots from josef seibel brand